Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Menopause And How You Can Live With It!

Menopause is the time that women experience when their physiological period stops. It usually occurs when women age is between 45, and 55. Menopause is the stage that occurs specifically following the stop of the production of the hormones, estrogen, and progesterone…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Vitamin E- How It Can Benefit Appearance and Skin’s Health?

There are thousands of skincare ingredients on the market, vitamin E is one of the most known because of its use and effectiveness. Vitamin E is found in the human body and several food items. You will find this ingredient in several skincare and beauty products,…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy And Its Benefit To The Skin Health

Vitamin C is considered a natural, strong antioxidant, and powerful nutrient for our body. It carries many important roles regarding maintaining our body health. Injecting vitamin C form that is known as vitamin C iv therapy has great benefits as it delivers…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Chelation Therapy, A Medical Alternative Treatment For Heavy Metal Cleanse

We may be exposed to toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, iron, and arsenic through various tools. Once these heavy metals are accumulated, they can reach unsafe levels in the body representing harmful sources to our health.  So the role of chelation therapy…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

What Happens to Your Body When Your Hormones Are Imbalanced?

Your hormones regulate several essential aspects of your life. They are essentially chemical messengers in your body, helping to control everything from heart rate and sleep cycle to metabolism and libido. When your hormones are out of balance, they can affect…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

How Can Hypnotherapy Help You Get Free From Stress, Anxiety, And Smoking Habits?

Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is often made out to be a way to control the people it is being used on. The practice is portrayed as a way to get people to commit certain criminal acts or fall in love with someone. Hypnosis is mostly portrayed on the media, as a way…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Liver Detox And Its Benefit

The liver represents the main primary filtration system in our body as it converts toxins into waste products, cleans the blood, and is responsible for the metabolism system so the body can be supplied with the needed nutrient items. Keeping the liver healthy…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Vitamin C and Other Immunity Boosters to Consider in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic makes boosting one’s immunity more important than ever. Besides getting enough sleep and having regular exercise, taking Vitamin C and other essential nutrients plays a crucial role in keeping you healthy. According to experts, a healthy…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

What Is Menopause And Andropause

Menopause is the timing in a woman’s life when her period stops. It is a natural matter, most women experience that after age 45. Menopause occurs as a result of the cessation of the woman’s ovaries’ production of the hormones estrogen and…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Immune Boosting Self-Defense Of Long Covid

What is a long covid? (Long COVID) or post-COVID syndrome is an expression utilized to describe the attendance of various symptoms, even after weeks or months of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 viral infection (1).                                                   …