
10 Treatments That Are Key To Looking And Feeling Young



Getting older comes with many challenges. Some of which are physical, while others are mental. While we can’t completely eliminate the ageing process, we can reduce the impact it has on our physical and mental health. If you’re concerned about the ageing process and how it will impact your body, here’s a handy guide for understanding the changes you’re likely to see and what you can do to combat them.

What Areas Of The Body Are Impacted By Ageing?


Falling asleep can become increasingly difficult as we age. If you’re having trouble sleeping as you get older, it may be due to changes in your heart, brain, or physical changes to your body.

Physical appearance

Despite the increasing risk of diseases and illnesses that can be picked up as we age, many people are just as concerned with how ageing impacts their appearance. As we get older, our skin and hair are two of the most impacted areas. 


Skin becomes thinner and more fragile. You also become more prone to wrinkles, dark spots, and dry skin on the face. For some, hair becomes weaker, greyer, and more likely to fall out as we age. 

Energy levels

As you’d expect, energy levels often decrease as we age. Older bodies find it more difficult to turn food into energy which can leave you feeling tired and lethargic. In many cases, chronic fatigue becomes an issue in older people.

Bones and muscles

Naturally, our bones and muscles get weaker as we get older. This makes us more susceptible to broken bones and muscle pains. Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are two of the most common conditions found in older people, as a result of bones losing calcium.


One of, if not the most dangerous repercussions of getting older is when our vital organs begin to function less efficiently. It’s particularly important to look after your heart as you age which means eliminating or reducing bad habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, and fast food intake. Without this, a weak heart can lead to reduced blood flow and less healthy blood flowing around your body.

10 Ways To Look And Feel Young

Here are ten services offered at Lyfe Medical that are used by our clients to remain youthful both inside and out.

Vitamin IV Therapies

Vitamin infusion therapy is a procedure where vitamins are administered into the bloodstream, allowing our bodies to absorb nutrients quicker than they naturally would.

Vitamin Injections   

Just like IV therapy, vitamin injections are another way to add nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Where vitamin infusion therapy uses an IV drip, vitamin injections are administered via a needle.


One of the most well-known cosmetic procedures used in the fight against signs of ageing is Botox. Our skin is one of the most impacted organs when it comes to ageing, and Botox helps fight the appearance of wrinkles. Unbeknown to some, botox can also help tackle an overactive bladder and migraines that may also come with getting older. 

Medical Detoxification Treatment

Today, a detox can come in many different forms and it all depends on what it is you’re trying to cut down on or avoid. A medical detoxification offers a helping hand to your liver, the organ with the job of naturally detoxifying our bodies. 

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As we get older, hormone imbalances become increasingly common. Bio identical hormone replacement therapy involves using artificial hormones to correct imbalances.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Therapy

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme heavily involved in our metabolism. NAD therapy involves administering the NAD through an IV drip into our body’s bloodstream. It’s used to fight the physical signs of ageing but also provides extra energy to help us feel youthful too.

Immunity Therapy

Immunity therapy or natural killer therapy involves the destruction of cancer cells through the use of natural killer cells. Natural killer cells are naturally found in the body and are the best cells when it comes to fighting more dangerous cells.

Blood Ozone

Ozone therapy is designed to increase the amount of oxygen in our bodies which can have many advantages when it comes to fighting ageing. It can also be used to treat common issues found in ageing adults like arthritis and heart disease.

Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapy uses peptides to repair the body through the production of growth hormones. It can be used to build lean muscle or tackle fat loss which becomes more difficult as we age. Peptide therapy can also be used to tackle the loss of libido as we age. 

Placenta Therapy

One of the more modern approaches to antiageing is placenta therapy. This involves drawing on the goodness found in the placenta to repair our ageing bodies. Repairs can come in the form of energy replenishment, sexual function, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to understand and accept that our bodies will change as we age. It’s also important to realise that many of the images and headlines you see online don’t always tell the full truth. So before you reach out to a cosmetic surgeonto reverse the signs of ageing, consider the less drastic suggestions mentioned in this post and the small changes that can make to your daily routine. A healthy, balanced diet and maintaining some form of exercise in your life can go a long way to helping your fight against the ageing process.