Anthony Constantinou Explain Ways to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety

Anthony Constantinou Explain Ways to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety

The new coronavirus – COVID-19 has spread worldwide, killing thousands of people every day. The deadly disease has affected the global economical structure, travel, and all businesses, creating fear of losing jobs, unhealthiness, feeling isolated, unhappy, dejected, worried, ruminating, and hopeless.

Isolation and compliance are the ideal storms for getting dejected and staying unhappy. Possibly everyone fears that we wake up in the morning, anxious, and depressed, thinking that there is nothing to do in life. To make you feel happy in this pandemic period, Anthony Constantinou shares the way to deal with Coronavirus Anxiety.

Feelings Must be Normalize

We often feel that it’s hard to bear our horrible emotions— this is like feeling bad and experiencing bad too. However, when dealing with trauma, it is quite usual to feel anxious, frightened, helpless, and overwhelmed. We are not a robot, instead of feeling anxious every day, put more focus on the work that we can control—and move towards positive thinking and activities.

Daily Activities Must be Scheduled

Since we are at home, it doesn’t mean there is nothing to do. Making a list of things that we can do for the whole day is quite crucial. This will offer us an hourly purpose, a feeling of being active, and will help in distracting from worries. We can include tasks like phone and video sessions with friends and relatives, reading articles, novels, writing a blog, organizing crucial information, databases, eating lunch, making dinner, watching movies, doing exercise, and spending time with all family members. Each activity we do has a purpose to divert our minds from restlessness. At the end of the day, the more we do, the better we will feel.

Don’t Miss Exercise 

We can start YOUTUBE videos that can serve as our trainer to have some exercise in our home. We don’t require a luxurious gym to exercise. You can perform stretching, cardio, running, skipping, yoga, meditations, and other exercises right at home. Pushing ourselves a little more will help in endorphins going. We need to go for it, from now, and just don’t miss this important part of life.

Control on Eating Habits 

During anxiety, we often overeat junk food or drink too much. It’s important to keep an eye on what we eat or else the situation gets even worse. We need to dedicate this time to be healthy… Think about it as free time, as a retreat, where we can plan our meals and limit or even restrict unhealthy eating habits and avoid drinking. Another opportunity, which we have is to cook creatively on our own. Trying new recipes with our ideas will distract our mind from covid19 or coronavirus trauma and make us feel a great success. We can also get back to the fundamentals our grandparents knew and prepare delicious things for our home-made menu.

Do Charity

Don’t forget to support someone who is having difficulty in this indefinite pandemic time. We are all human being and we have to support each other. This will make us feel connected and give meaning to life. It is to good check on someone who perhaps facing a difficult time more than us. Try to make their life easy and comfortable, it will make us feel happy from the deep heart. Making communication to see how people are doing might make them feel less isolated. And we will feel better after doing it.

Guest Blog by Anthony Constantinou