7 Common Causes of Fatigue and How to Combat it

7 Common Causes of Fatigue and How to Combat it

Feeling exhausted and tired all the time is the byproduct of our “always on the go”, “must hustle”, “girl boss” lifestyle. It is normal and expected from anyone who hustles hard to achieve their deadlines and goals. But sometimes, subjecting ourselves to constant physical and mental fatigue can actually do more harm than good. Being tired and exhausted prevents us from performing better. When we’re tired, we are unable to focus, we tend to forget things, fall behind on projects and physically just breaks down – we are susceptible to illness when we are worn out physically. 

Constant sense of fatigue can also be a sign of something more serious and could be one of a wide range of health conditions. We suggest to get a full body medical checkup to make sure that it is not something chronic that needs medical attention. 

Good news is, you can put the vitality back in your life with a few simple lifestyle changes. 

Let’s take a look at  7 of the most common causes of fatigue and our tips on how you can combat it so that you can reach your full potential: 

Fatigue Cause No. 1: Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality is the most common reason why we are fatigued.

Suggestions: Aim for 8 hours of quality sleep every night. Create a sleep routine and go to bed the same time every night so that your body knows it is time rest. Avoid caffeine from 3 pm because the effect can last up to 6 hours. 

Fatigue Cause No. 2: Not Enough Food

Our bodies need proper fuel to function properly. Foods high in processed sugar can cause a spike in our insulin levels and when it drops it causes fatigue.

Suggestions: Eat whole foods full of fiber and nutrients to give you more energy. Avoid or limit foods high in sugar and fat. Avoid processed food whenever possible. 

Fatigue Cause no. 3: Over-Caffeinated 

Caffeine in moderation definitely can make you feel sharper and alert. However, too much caffeine can actually cause fatigue. Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it increases your urinary output and if you’re not drinking enough water, it can lead to dehydration and dehydration causes fatigue. It also causes palpitations and increased heart rate, therefore, can cause exhaustion.

Suggestions: Drink coffee in moderation and stay hydrated all day. We tend to not drink water when we drink coffee or caffeinated beverage, be mindful of your water intake. 

Fatigue Cause no. 4: Stress

Stress triggers our fight and flight response. It is our body’s way of protecting us from harmful situations, whether it’s real or perceived. During the fight and flight response, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises and your muscles tighten. So imagine how energy draining that is if you are constantly being subjected to stress. Our bodies can handle small doses of stress but can only handle so much.

Suggestions: Learn how to manage stress by keeping a positive attitude. Practice relaxation techniques such as breathing, meditation and yoga. 

Many symptoms of stress can also be signs of other health problems. Take advance of our medical checkup deals so that a doctor can evaluate your symptoms and rule out other conditions. 

Fatigue Cause no. 5: Too little physical activity 

 Sitting for hours, staring at the computer screen can lead to weakening and wasting away of the large leg muscles. It also causes hip and back problems. We are built to stand upright and not sit all day. Our cardiovascular system works more effectively that way.

Suggestions: Reduce sedentary behaviors by taking the stairs, stretch every 30 mins or go for a walk to work or after work. Keep your body moving. Not only will it perk you up physically, but it will also give you mental clarity. 

Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency

Lack of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to fatigue. It is worth checking your vitamin levels to make sure you are not deficient. Top 3 vitamins to look out for are:

  • Iron – Low iron levels can cause anemia and fatigue is usually the first sign of anemia. 
  • Vitamin B12 – Vitamin b12 is responsible for the production red blood cells. The most common symptoms of Vitamin b12 deficiency are muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D essential for bone strength as it helps our bodies absorb calcium. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to brittle bones, muscle pain and weakness. 

Suggestions: Stay on top of health by making sure you get your vitamin levels checked regularly. You can also boost your vitamins by getting Vitamin IV Therapies or Vitamin Injections.

Heavy Metal Toxins 

Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury are all around us and most of the time unavoidable. It’s in the products we use, the food we eat, even the air we breathe. Being exposed to these toxins every day can cause brain fog, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and many more.

Suggestions: Heavy metal detox, as part of Lyfe Medical’s IV therapy, can get rid of heavy metal traces from your body.  

Bottom line:  Simple lifestyle changes can help combat fatigue. Take a break when you need to. While it sounds counterproductive, taking some time off is actually good for you. You will feel refreshed and energized to go back to work after a little bit of break. So pick your favorite leisure activity: go to the beach, lay on the sun. Take advantage of the beautiful beaches here Rawai and Phuket. 

Always see your doctor to make sure that your fatigue isn’t caused by an underlying medical problem. We suggest to get a complete medical checkup once a year to allow for early prevention.