Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Growing Number of Aesthetic Surgeries Strengthening Medical Lasers Market

Global medical lasers market is forecasted to attain a size of $12.1 billion by 2023, P&S Intelligence. The increasing adoption of medical lasers in aesthetic medical procedures, surging prevalence of age-related ophthalmic disorders, and technological advancements…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Can Vitamin C Prevent or Treat COVID-19?

The Corona Virus Pandemic Effect With the Corona Virus pandemic AkA CoVid-19 hitting many countries, major economies and individuals of every class the effects are widely seen. The effects are so massive that no economic strata or ethnic race are spared. Recently…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Coronavirus Symptoms: What Are They and Should I See a Doctor?

Recently, we have witnessed the spread of the novel Corona Virus, also known as CoVID-19. The spread and the resultant effects of this disease have been massive, impacting every sector and individual. The world is, in short under siege from the attack of this…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

How to Protect Yourself While Traveling During Coronavirus Outbreak

Coronavirus or AKA CoVID-19, has caused a lot of damage to the world so far. The effect of this virus has been massive, and no sector is spared from it. Some of the major economies have got a severe blow, major airlines got affected, many people got affected,…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

Body Sculpting in Clatuu Treatment – Get your body ready for the Summer!

Weight loss is a pressing issue for some people. Weight is gained when more energy is consumed than the body can burn. Some reasons why people want to lose weight is because they want to gain more confidence in their body. And avoid health issues like diabetes,…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

What is IV therapy?

IV therapy means Intravenous therapy, this is one of the routes in which drugs can be administered to the human body; the drugs are prepared in liquid form and administered through the veins to a patient. It is a very fast and active route because the fluid…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

How LED Light Therapy is the Best Treatment for Aging!

More and more people do a lot to hide their signs of aging by using sunscreen,  moisturizing, sleep, proper skincare, serum, and more. But, what other kinds of treatments are essential for skin that is proved to provide accurate results.  LED light therapy…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

How to Boost Immune System These Days

Our immune system protects our body from the surrounding environment, this environment contains substances such as microbes or chemicals, which could be hazardous, infectious and damaging to our body, therefore our immune system preserves the integrity of our body….

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

The Truth About Detox Diets and Process

Detoxification or in short detox is a buzzword which everyone is interested in these days. With so many health benefits, it is one of the most effective ways to take care of your liver naturally.  There are some misconceptions related to detox which need to…

Blog Lyfe Medical Wellness

How Often Should You Get a Professional Facial?

Facial is skincare of the face that includes procedures like cleansing, massaging, peels, facial masks, exfoliation extraction, steaming. There are so many reasons why should get facial treatment. Regular facials and massages boost cell regeneration and promote…